How can I go about investigating system calls?

From time to time, it can be useful to explore what your applications are doing.

Sometimes, you may find horrifying things such as with How Setting the TZ Environment Variable Avoids Thousands of System Calls.


strace is your main friend here when it comes to seing what processes are up to.

The most common command will be using strace to connect to a specific process.

$ strace -p <pid>
strace: Process 2253233 attached
epoll_pwait(3, [], 128, 0, NULL, 1825221) = 0
epoll_pwait(3, [], 128, 1, NULL, 1825221026013077) = 0
epoll_pwait(3, [], 128, 0, NULL, 1825221) = 0
epoll_pwait(3, [], 128, 1, NULL, 1825221026013077) = 0
futex(0xc000060948, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1
futex(0xc000060548, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1
write(7, "datadog.dogstatsd.client.aggrega"..., 385) = 385

You’ll see a bunch of system calls dumped out which can often be quite hard to parse.


Another approach is using lsof in order to see what other calls a process is making

$ lsof -p <pid>
features 2253233 root  cwd       DIR   0,89     4096  14194727 /opt/features
features 2253233 root  rtd       DIR   0,89     4096  14194750 /
features 2253233 root  txt       REG   0,89 25723368  14194681 /opt/features/features
features 2253233 root    0u      CHR    1,3      0t0         5 /dev/null
features 2253233 root    1w     FIFO   0,13      0t0 207407931 pipe
features 2253233 root    2w     FIFO   0,13      0t0 207407932 pipe
features 2253233 root    3u  a_inode   0,14        0     13467 [eventpoll]

This will give you an idea of open files and then you can track down which ones might stick out


On macOS, this is a pretty strong tool to leverage.

You’ll generally want to filter what is otherwise a pretty noisy stream of events.

$ sudo fs_usage -f filesys 98642
21:20:06.930527  stat64                                 s/Mainframe/Investigating system    0.000063   Obsidian.2653255
21:20:06.930685  open              F=58       (R_____N___V_)  frame/Investigating system    0.000050   Obsidian.2719054
21:20:06.930692  fgetattrlist      F=58                                                              0.000006   Obsidian.2719054
21:20:06.930696  getattrlist                            s/Mainframe/Investigating system    0.000059   Obsidian.2653255
21:20:06.930703  close             F=58                                                              0.000011   Obsidian.2719054
21:20:06.930822  getattrlist                            s/Mainframe/Investigating system    0.000023   Obsidian.2653255
21:20:06.934896  stat64                                 /Contents/PlugIns/PinShareExtension.appex    0.000014   Obsidian.2653255

Here you can see a query for Obsidian (PID 98624) calls filtered by file system access.