How can I visualise stack and heap alloactions in Go?

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You can compile your program with a special flag to see the output of how variables are stored

$ go build -gcflags=-m *.go 2>&1 | tee inline.txt
# command-line-arguments
./client_redis.go:28:6: can inline NewClient
./client_redis.go:71:25: inlining call to "net/http".(*Client).Do
./client_kafka.go:17:6: can inline (*KafkaClient).getType
./client_kafka.go:24:34: inlining call to strings.Split
./client_kafka.go:73:47: group.GroupId escapes to heap
./client_kafka.go:73:78: clusterName escapes to heap
$ go build -gcflags=-m *.go 2>&1 | tee inline.txt
# command-line-arguments
./client_redis.go:28:6: can inline NewClient
./client_redis.go:71:25: inlining call to "net/http".(*Client).Do
./client_kafka.go:17:6: can inline (*KafkaClient).getType
./client_kafka.go:24:34: inlining call to strings.Split
./client_kafka.go:73:47: group.GroupId escapes to heap
./client_kafka.go:73:78: clusterName escapes to heap

You'll see two terms: "inline" and "escapes to heap"

The former is good, meaning that the variable only exists for the lifetime of the function (ie; it is added to the stack) while the latter is probably not ideal as it means that value persists on the heap until the garbage collector is run.

A common scenario to avoid is accidentally copying values instead of taking a pointer to them. Passing the value copy into an function closure will cause it to be allocated to the heap as well.