Installing Arch Linux on my Intel NUC

· Around 9 minutes
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While I used to fiddle with Arch, and other Linux distros when I was younger, I don't run it as my daily driver nowadays.

If I were to reinstall Arch Linux tomorrow, I would still dogfood my own guide and expect that it should be fairly seemless.

While I don't expect much has changed, you should know that I'm not actively verifying that these steps haven't changed or anything like that.

It's that time again where I decide to reinstall Arch Linux and likely end up bashing my head against a wall. I have an old blog post on my Github but it could be better so this is an extended version mainly for my own future reference.

Please note that this isn't some guide for pros or that I expect to have the most 100% correct or efficient method of installing. It's just what I know works for me.

Getting online

As I'm installing on an Intel NUC, I'm going to assume you might like it run it mainly via WiFi so we'll start by getting online. You can do this graphically by running wifi-menu.


Once you've set up a profile, you'll see a new entry when using the ifconfig command and you can confirm you're online with ping -c 3.

Setting up your hard drive

Personally, I wouldn't, and probably couldn't (yet) install Arch Linux as a dual boot partition. That is, alongside another operating system such as Windows or macOS. You might like to and that's great but this isn't the guide for you :)

First, we need to see what our current devices are:

fdisk -l
fdisk -l

You may see a few. In my case, my hard drive has a few /dev/sda<number> entries and my USB has 2 /dev/sdb<number> entries. For the purposes of this guide, I'll be assuming that your hard drive is under /dev/sda but when installing to, say, a Macbook, I've found that the hard drive can be under /dev/sdb.

My hard drive will end up looking as follows once I've set it up:

500M Boot Sector /boot
20G System Root /
8G Swap Space N/A
437G Home Directory /home

I'm targeting a UEFI BIOS so we'll be using GPT for our partition table.

The following uses gparted which you may or may not be familiar with if you've only use GUI installers before. Just follow along and I'll comment what each segment is roughly doing. From hereon in, URLs prefixed by a tilde (~) indicate resources where you can read further information if you're the curious sort.

⚠️ Consider yourself warned

The following WILL wipe your hard drive so ensure that this is what you'd like to do and/or that you've backed up everything from any currently installed OS


# Launched parted, passing our hard drive as an argument
parted /dev/sda
# Create a partition table using the GUID Partition Table (GPT) format.
# This wipes your drive(!)
mklabel gpt
# Create a 499M boot sector that will live at /boot
# ESP is short for EFI System Partition and are always formatted as FAT32
# We start at 1MiB instead of 0 because MBR/GPT both use the first block
# ~
# We use 550MiB as Rod Smith reports possible bugs with ESPs below 512MiB
# ~
mkpart ESP fat32 1MiB 551MiB
# Set the boot flag to ON on partition number 1
# ~
set 1 boot on
# Create a 20G ext4 partition that will live at /
mkpart primary ext4 551MiB 20.5GiB
# Create an 8G swap partition
mkpart primary linux-swap 20.5GiB 28.5GiB
# Allocate the remaining space which will be used by users at /home/{user}
mkpart primary 28.5GiB 100%
# All done!
# Launched parted, passing our hard drive as an argument
parted /dev/sda
# Create a partition table using the GUID Partition Table (GPT) format.
# This wipes your drive(!)
mklabel gpt
# Create a 499M boot sector that will live at /boot
# ESP is short for EFI System Partition and are always formatted as FAT32
# We start at 1MiB instead of 0 because MBR/GPT both use the first block
# ~
# We use 550MiB as Rod Smith reports possible bugs with ESPs below 512MiB
# ~
mkpart ESP fat32 1MiB 551MiB
# Set the boot flag to ON on partition number 1
# ~
set 1 boot on
# Create a 20G ext4 partition that will live at /
mkpart primary ext4 551MiB 20.5GiB
# Create an 8G swap partition
mkpart primary linux-swap 20.5GiB 28.5GiB
# Allocate the remaining space which will be used by users at /home/{user}
mkpart primary 28.5GiB 100%
# All done!

Now that are partitions are set up, running fdisk -l again should show the following:

/dev/sda1 ESP /boot
/dev/sda2 ext4 /
/dev/sda4 ext4 /home

Making file systems

We don't need any utilites to create our file systems, we can just do 'em straight outta the box like so:

# Create a 32bit VFAT filesystem for our boot partition
# VFAT is essentially FAT32 with support for longer filenames. See below for more details.
# ~
# ~
mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sda1
# Create an ext4 filesystem for our root partition
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2
# Prepare a swap area
mkswap /dev/sda3
# Activate our created swap area
swapon /dev/sda3
# Create an ext4 filesystem for our home partition
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda4
# Create a 32bit VFAT filesystem for our boot partition
# VFAT is essentially FAT32 with support for longer filenames. See below for more details.
# ~
# ~
mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sda1
# Create an ext4 filesystem for our root partition
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2
# Prepare a swap area
mkswap /dev/sda3
# Activate our created swap area
swapon /dev/sda3
# Create an ext4 filesystem for our home partition
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda4

Now that our hard drive is completely set up, we're ready to mount our file systems.

Mounting our new file systems

Just as a reminder, here's where we want our partitions to end up

/dev/sda1 ESP /boot
/dev/sda2 ext4 /
/dev/sda4 ext4 /home

Here's how this layout translates into mount commands:

# Mount our root partition to /mnt
# NOTE: /mnt doesn't persist once we're in our bash prompt
# For example, /mnt/home becomes just /home
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
# Create a folder which our ESP partition will be mounted to
mkdir /mnt/boot
# Mount our ESP partition to /boot
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
# Create a home folder where all of our user directories will live
mkdir /mnt/home
# Mount the home partition to /home
mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/home
# Mount our root partition to /mnt
# NOTE: /mnt doesn't persist once we're in our bash prompt
# For example, /mnt/home becomes just /home
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
# Create a folder which our ESP partition will be mounted to
mkdir /mnt/boot
# Mount our ESP partition to /boot
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
# Create a home folder where all of our user directories will live
mkdir /mnt/home
# Mount the home partition to /home
mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/home

Nice! We're completely done and can start to actually install and configure Arch Linux.

Installing base packages

Now we need to download and install the base packages for Arch Linux to our /mnt which will becomes our root (/) later on.

pacstrap /mnt base
pacstrap /mnt base

For the curious, the base group contains a number of default libraries and utilties you may have used such as man, openssl, bash, iptables and gcc to name a few.

You can view the pacstrap script itself here. I thought it would be quite longer!

The script also runs the mkinitcpio bash script which you can learn more about here.

This entire process may take a few minutes so feel free to read ahead while you wait.

Set up bash

With Arch Linux installed, we can finally move off of our live USB and start a bash process to set up our freshly initialised system after 2 more quick steps

Step 1 is generating a file systems table, referred to as fstab going forward. This is done so that all devices (/dev/sdaX) specificied in the file are mounted automatically on startup.

genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

The -U flag denotes that we want to identify our devices using UUIDs, instead of labels, as noted here.

Step 2 is even quicker!

arch-chroot /mnt
arch-chroot /mnt

arch-chroot, seen here changes the root directory to, well, / which is our new root directory. As we're still on the live USB, we specify it as /mnt instead.

arch-chroot is also able to take some flags following the root partition such as arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash. It's worth noting that the preceeding example is actually fairly pointless seeing as arch-chroot already defaults to bash anyway.

Huzzah! We're finally in our new system but will it boot? Not quite yet and we've still a lot to set up so let's carry on.

Updates and other dependencies (optional)

At this point, I like to run a system upgrade using pacman -Syu just in case. As we've just pulled our dependencies minutes ago, it'll likely find nothing but I reckon it feels good, haha.

I also need some extra bits and pieces for later at this point. We couldn't have fetched these earlier as trying to run pacman, the Arch Linux package manager, from the live USB would attempt to install to the USB itself and error out.

I need the following bits:

dialog A library for console-based UIs like wifi-menu
intel-ucode Micro-code updates for Intel CPUs
wpa_supplicant Used to connect to wireless networks (put simply)

That should be everything for now. The other bits (netctl and dhcpcd) were already installed as part of the base group from earlier. If you're using Ethernet, you can basically skip this entire step hence why it's marked as optional.

Honestly, we don't really need dialog as we could just use netctl directly but I find it more user friendly and I'm not a masochist, haha.

You might as well also enable dhcpcd if you need it for ethernet with systemctl enable dhcpcd.

Generating locale

Popular software often ships in a number of languages but in order to show the correct language, currency and so on, it needs to know where you live. We achieve this by generating and setting a locale.

To do so, edit /etc/locale.gen and uncomment your respective locale. In short, the format is {language}_{country code}.{character encoding}. As an example, I'm in New Zealand so I uncomment the line en_NZ.UTF-8 UTF-8. If in doubt, just opt for utf-8.

I just use nano but if you prefer, this would be an alright time to run pacman -S vim.

Once you've done that, you'll need to generate the locale files and export your language to your environment

export LANG={xx}_{yy}.UTF-8
export LANG={xx}_{yy}.UTF-8

If done successfully, echo $LANG will display your locale.

For reference, the actual locale-gen script can be seen here as part of glibc, the GNU implementation of the C standard library. I always wondered where it was from!


Selecting our timezone is fairly straightforward thanks to an interactive program called tzselect. Running it will show a list of continents and oceans. Selecting one will drill down to display countries.

Once you've confirmed the output, it will mention appending the timezone to a file. Instead, we want to symlink that timezone to a file. In my case, the timezone is Pacific/Auckland but of course, you'll want to input your respective timezone instead.

ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Pacific/Auckland /etc/localtime
ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Pacific/Auckland /etc/localtime

Setting hardware clock

The last of our locale related setups is configuring the system clock. To do that, we'll tell our hardware clock to set the system time using the --hctosys option. You can read more about hwclock and how it differs from system time here

hwclock --systohc
hwclock --systohc

Hostname setup

We like life to be simple (but no simpler) and giving our computer/server a unique name is an important part of that process. For this bit, let's assume we want to name our system weinerdog because it sounds silly.

echo weinerdog > /etc/hostname
echo weinerdog > /etc/hostname

Oh, that was easy. We also need to tell our system that weinerdog is an alias for, just like localhost is. We could fire up our favourite editor but it's likely /etc/hosts is empty so just do the following:

echo localhost weinerdog > /etc/hosts
echo localhost weinerdog > /etc/hosts

How quick was that, huh?

Set a root password

We'll be using this password to login, which I sometimes forget. It should be different than the password for the user account we'll be making soon but I'd be lying if I said I have a super secure password. You have bigger problems if you think this writeup will give you top notch security anyway. I'm just here for a usable system!


Just type in your password twice. Not much more to it than that.

Installing a boot manager

We'll be using systemd-boot as our EFI boot manager. I couldn't tell you anything about it other than it works and that's good enough.

bootctl --path=/boot install
bootctl --path=/boot install

The above command copies the systemd-boot binary to our EFI System Partition (/boot) and adds it as the default EFI application to be loaded as stated here.

Configuring the boot manager

Now that we have a boot manager, we need to tell it what to boot exactly. We'll create a new arch.conf entry using nano:

nano /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf
nano /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf

and enter the following

title Arch Linux
linux /vmlinuz-linux
initrd /intel-ucode.img
initrd /initramfs-linux.img
options root=/dev/sda2 rw elevator=deadline quiet splash resume=/dev/sda3 nmi_watchdog=0
title Arch Linux
linux /vmlinuz-linux
initrd /intel-ucode.img
initrd /initramfs-linux.img
options root=/dev/sda2 rw elevator=deadline quiet splash resume=/dev/sda3 nmi_watchdog=0

NOTE: The line initrd /intel-ucode.img ONLY applies if you installed the intel-ucode package from earlier which anyone with an Intel CPU should do.

As for the options, I couldn't say if you need, or don't need, any of them but it's worked fine for me so far. I'll probably read up on them in depth shortly and update this post as required.

Once that's created, set it as the default configuration:

echo "default arch" > /boot/loader/loader.conf
echo "default arch" > /boot/loader/loader.conf

and now you're ready to reboot into a nicely working system!


I've still got a lot to learn about Arch Linux but so far, the above setup has worked well for me.

There's still more that goes into a system but this is enough to get past the pesky initial setup which gave me hours upon hours of grief as a beginner, which I still am essentially.